Fabric from Bananas

With the advancement of technology, we are now able to turn the extremely long, fine fibres...

Banana fiber: Origin and history

Banana is cultivated in over 120 countries throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the...

Why bananas could be the fabric of the future

Eco-friendly alternatives for cotton Cotton is the king of natural fibres, but its large water...

The global banana fiber industry

The global banana fiber market is segmented on the applications, distribution channels, and regions. India...

Why banana fiber can replace synthetic fiber in the textile industry

Potential and Qualities Vietnam is a tropical country with humid tropical climate and land resources...


A New Natural Fiber that offers an alternative to Linen Cotton, Linen & Silk are...

Banana fiber applications

The stem of the banana plant is usually thrown away once the plantain is harvested....

Banana fiber: a revolution in textile

Banana plant (scientific name: Musa acuminate) not only gives delicious fruits but also provides textile fiber,...

Banana fiber: a green industry that is saving the environment

 A fabric made out from banana fiber could well be next green apparel of the...

The extraction of Banana Fiber

Banana fiber processing and weaving The extraction of the natural fiber from the plant required...